Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Project C.U.R.E and finishing touches

  It is Tuesday, My passport with visa has arrived from the consulate!!! 

Large Bone set from Project C.U.R.E. through Stryker came yesterday. Nepal Orthopedic Hospital has been in need of newer drills, large and small bone sets. We were able to secure a few sets through C.U.R.E.  We are so grateful for this program as the new Sunshine Act has actually prohibited companies from just donating products directly to NGO aid organizations, a sad unintended consequence.

 This limitation of resources has caused us to really seek out more monetary donations, which as you know is hard as again there are so many good charities to help and not enough money to go around. We are working on arranging anesthesia coverage at NOH, this will be the first time we are not travelling with our own anesthesia team. I am nervous but also very excited for the trip. We are so happy to donate our time to such wonderful people.

 Nepal is a magical place.  I was just chatting over lunch with a co-worker. She asked me why I liked Nepal so much. I told her it was just special. The people are great, Kathmandu is great. The capitol of Nepal  is a vibrant, humble, bustling city with no traffic lights, a stop sign and if your lucky a traffic cop. 
While crossing the street, you may encounter a motorbike, a rickshaw, a cow, dogs, bicycles, people or all of them at once.  Crossing the street is never the same twice, I just put my head down and walk fast, being a New Yorker, this comes easy to me. 

Our team is getting ready, we are all packing our bags full of office and medical  supplies and gifts for our patients. They are buying travel insurance and confirming flights. We are ironing out last minute details and trying to make sure this is the best trip ever. Please follow along with us as we enter this wonderful week of healing. 

Donate! www.htcorwwa.org 

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