Monday, March 23, 2015


As I sit on a rooftop in Thamel, I am flooded with gratitude to our team and host hospital.

Dr. Carl. my co leader, while it may be true we only see eachother in Nepal. It is always a great time with an amazing team dynamic. I think we both compliment eachothers strengths and weaknesses in leadership. Good Luck on the Mountain trip!

Dr.Ali. Thank you for joining us on this amazing journey. It was great to perform new techniques and bring more Ex fix exposure to NOH. Thank you for reaching out to Jen Sherry and bringing a larger audience into our MTA.

Bojan. What can I say. You are one amazing woman. We are lucky to have you as an anchor on our team. Congratulations on completing your 93rd mission with our team in Nepal!!!

Calei. I cant believe its been 5 years since we've seen eachother let alone worked in Nepal together!! Thank you for all the generous supply donations as well as being a shining star, fun happy positive person who is a joy to work and hang out with!

Ashlee. Happy 16th. Thank you for spending your birthday time on our trip. The photos are fantastic. Your interaction with the kids and patients was great. Many of us commented on how mature you are!! I know you will be a great photo journalist because, you already are.

Latika. Strangers no more. I know you were nervous jumping in with a bunch of strangers. Thank you for taking time out of your residency. I hope you learned a lot not only about surgery but about what mission trips are all about!

Jen. What makes a trip more fun? 2 Jens for the price of 1. We are so grateful for your time in joining us on our mission. For many years we have worked under the radar but I think its a perfect time to shed light on the amazing work done by people in the name of creating opportunity for people with physical challenges. You were a blast to hang with and made talking to a camera so easy.

Amy. Thank you for jumping in head first. You were great! You kept our team organized and brought a wonderful spirit to the team. I am glad Dr Tom recommended  you to come on the trip.

NOH. Dr Saju, Anil, Sujan,Ragiv and the whole team. What amazing hosts. Thank you for allowing us to help over 70 patients 23 of which surgically. We are looking forward to continuing our friendship and working together to better the lives of nepali children and adults.

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